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Webinar – Progress innovation in a collaborative ecosystem – 31 August 2021, 13:00-14:00hrs

Progress innovation in a collaborative ecosystem

1:00 pm

Online Event

Join us at a webinar jointly hosted by Edinburgh BioQuarter and Edinburgh Innovations to hear the perspectives of our four speakers discussing how new medical treatments are progressed from bench to bedside at BioQuarter, and the challenges and opportunities involved in growing a world-class health innovation ecosystem.

Our speakers are: Anna Stamp, Interim Director of Edinburgh BioQuarter; Professor Kev Dhaliwal, Personal Chair of Molecular Imaging and Healthcare and Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine for NHS Lothian; Janet Downie, CEO, RoslinCT and Elizabeth Roper, Partner at Epidarex Capital.

It takes an average of 12 years for a drug to travel from the research bench to the patient’s bedside. Edinburgh BioQuarter is a leading location for translational medicine and healthcare delivery; turning innovative ideas into reality and driving medical innovation for Scotland and the world.

Its exceptional collaborative environment provides a first-class ecosystem, through access to world-leading research, state-of-the-art facilities, a growing economy base and a proven track record of success. BioQuarter offers a premier location for businesses, investors and entrepreneurs to collaborate with NHS and University experts.

It is already home to two major hospitals, clinical imaging facilities, Phase 1 clinical trial and management capability, and with many leading medical research institutes based on site, it is uniquely placed to revolutionise healthcare by harnessing discovery science and dynamic enterprise to make new drugs, treatments and technologies available to patients more quickly.

It is already home to two major hospitals, clinical imaging facilities, Phase 1 clinical trial and management capability, and with many leading medical research institutes based on site, it is uniquely placed to revolutionise healthcare by harnessing discovery science and dynamic enterprise to make new drugs, treatments and technologies available to patients more quickly.

Over 8,000 people work or study at the 167 acre site in Edinburgh’s Little France area. And partners (the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian, Scottish Enterprise, and the University of Edinburgh) are together in their vision to develop BioQuarter as Edinburgh’s £1 billion Health Innovation District.

As one of BioQuarter’s anchor organisations, Edinburgh Innovations has a crucial role to play in delivering the success for BioQuarter’s triple helix ecosystem consisting of public sector, academia and commercial partners. As the University of Edinburgh’s commercialisation service, it leads the University’s activities in industry engagement and business development, delivering consultancy enterprise support for students and staff, and the identification, management and commercialisation of University intellectual property.

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact David.Ridd@edinburghbioquarter.com

