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Scottish Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem Launch


A simple guide to Scotland’s Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem launches

A digital directory to help life science companies work with the NHS was launched on Monday 19th November at the annual Life Science Scotland conference in Glasgow by Dave Tudor, Co-Chair of the Life Sciences Scotland Industry Leadership Group (LSS).

The directory, called Scottish Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem, helps companies engage directly with NHS Scotland to develop collaborative working projects.

A greatly simplified search process allows companies to find the correct contacts quickly and easily, promoting collaboration, accelerating projects and helping advance new approaches to patient care.

Scotland’s Health Research and Innovation Ecosystem is an easily searchable database of NHS, clinical, academic and trade organisations, with short descriptions of what they do and contact details.

It also allows companies to search under the headings: invent, develop, test and sell , connecting start-ups with the correct contacts. A second tier search of clinical and technical areas identifies organisations and facilities needed to progress new products and plans.
