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Bridging the Gap: Integrating Practice-Based Knowledge and Research: Thursday 25th January 2024, 1pm-2pm

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Practice-Based Knowledge and Research

1:00 pm

Online event

Usher affiliates Chelsea Morroni and Catherine Maternowska alongside partners from Botswana and Colombia will present case studies that demonstrate how public health interventions benefit from data and wisdom from the field.

Data / evidence / knowledge initiatives are often driven by supply i.e. which evidence is available? rather than demand i.e what kinds of evidence do stakeholders need?

Stakeholders working at the interface of prevention interventions and response services are in a unique position to observe, analyse, report, and demystify the informal social, political, and community dynamics central to both problem solving and implementing solutions.

This is an online event. Free to attend and open to all – part of New Frontiers in Health and Social Care events.

Register via Zoom webinar
