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Chief Scientist Office announce joint funding call with LifeArc to boost translational research in Scotland

The Chief Scientist Office of Scottish Government has announced a call with the independent medical charity LifeArc to jointly fund early stage translational research in rare diseases.

A joint fund of £300,000 is available to fund up to three Scottish-led research projects.

Around 450,000 Scots are affected by a rare condition. Of the 7000 recognised rare diseases, only 400 have licenced treatments. These diseases are often chronic, life threatening and isolating for those affected and their families. This joint funding call will support rare disease translational research with the aim of accelerating scientific discoveries to deliver new clinical interventions for patients living with a rare condition.

Successful projects will:

• Address a rare disease clinical need
• Have a strong scientific rationale
• Be target driven with a credible delivery plan
• Be on a translational pathway towards clinical utility

The intention is that onwards development work following CSO/LifeArc funding will be supported by larger translational funding schemes, such as LifeArc’s Philanthropic Fund, and eventually through commercial resources.

Translational research is typically collaborative, bringing together individuals with a range of expertise for development of an intervention. Collaborative applications are thus welcomed, though the lead applicant must be a salaried member of staff at a Scottish University or NHS Board.

Projects will be identified in open competition as part of a two-stage, response mode round and managed by LifeArc. Full applications will be subject to external peer review and funding decisions will be made by an independent panel of experts from academic research and industry.

Find out more information or to apply please visit LifeArc-CSO Fund for Scottish Translational Researchers.

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Thursday 21 May

For more information please contact:
Rachael Brooker, Senior Business Manager at LifeArc or Alan McNair at CSO

As a registered charity, LifeArc only funds directly incurred costs. As a result, applicants will be able to request direct costs only.

