Industry Academia Networking (IndAc 2022)
10:30 am
Pollocks Hall Campus, Holyrood Park Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AY
Forge new collaborations between academia and industry at this SULSA (Scottish Universities Life Science Alliance) Industry Engagement Ambassadors networking event provides the opportunity.
Hear pitches from industry on their collaborative needs, learn about successful collaborations, and get useful advice from our panel on how to drive research and innovation across life sciences.
- 10:30-11:00 Registration and coffee
- 11:00-11:10 Welcome from:
SULSA’s Forging Futures Ambassadors
- 11:10-11:45 Icebreaker – 21 Questions with Industry
- 11:45-12:15 Industry Insights Pitches
- 12:15-13:15 Lunch and Networking
- 13:15-13:45 Success Stories:
Academica Partnerships with Industry
- 13:45-14:30 Panel Discussion:
“Engaging Collaborations Between Academia and Industry”
- 14:30-15:00 Networking
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