Launch of FutureMS-2 Study

Earlier this month, participants began to return to the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic to take part in the next phase of FutureMS
The FutureMS-2 study is the new wave of FutureMS. Phase two of FutureMS has been shaped and enhanced with the help of a panel of FutureMS participants.
In addition to what was collected in the first phase, we will include more of a focus on ‘invisible’ disability symptoms of MS like pain and fatigue. Returning participants will also have a wider access to sub-studies at different sites.
With over 400 participants taking part in the original study, the research team have now started to invite the original participants back to take part in FutureMS-2. The Edinburgh site at the Anne Rowling Clinic is the first centre to re-open with other centres in Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee and Inverness re-opening soon.
” I feel it was an extremely valuable and worthwhile visit and that all tests undertaken were very advanced in comparison to standard testing. This will hopefully give a better understanding for the best care pathway throughout every individual patient’s journey in the future and give us the answers to the many questions surrounding our MS which currently cannot be explained.” Laura, FutureMS-2 participant.
” We’re delighted to continue to work with this incredibly important cohort in phase-2 of FutureMS. Each and every individual in the cohort is irreplaceable and makes a real difference. We’re so grateful for their enthusiasm, generosity and support, without which we could not do what we do” Christine Weaver, FutureMS-2 Study Manager.