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Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, 4th Floor Seminar Room, Edinburgh BioQuarter, 50 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4TJ
Paediatric IBD patients and families are warmly invited to attend a Free Family Event at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People on Edinburgh BioQuarter, in the Seminar Room, Child Life and Health (4th Floor).
An opportunity to speak with Scotland’s leading inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) scientists and research clinicians. Ask your paediatric IBD questions, participate in family activities and crafts, hear about the latest research, and tour the state-of-the-art research laboratories and facilities at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People (RHCYP).
This event’s talks, activities, and tours are best suited to children and families aged 6 years and older; but all infants are also welcome with their parent/caregiver. Crafts and activities will be run by the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity (ECHC) for those children and young people less interested in listening to and participating in research discussions.
Tea, coffee, juice, and snacks will be provided.
Free parking is available in the carparks beside the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People.