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Nurturing confidence and interest in science

Science Buddies

We have a long history of flourishing relationships with our local primary schools. Together we have won awards, supported in-class science, science festivals, STEM weeks and parent / carer learning workshops.

We are always looking for ways to nurture longer term relationships between our scientists and young people. It was this thinking that gave birth to Science Buddies in 2022. Scientists and other STEM professionals are paired with local primary schools to connect closely with them over the year.

Working together

The children, teachers and scientists work together to make a plan for the year which could involve ‘Science Class Take-Overs’, STEM Clubs, science weeks, science fairs – being their science best friend!

” Teaming up to work with Edinburgh BioQuarter Science Buddies has been a very valuable experience for P6 children this year. They have been able to talk to real scientists, use equipment that is used in real laboratories and also take part in activities and experiments that were fun and very educational.

” All of the children gained a lot of valuable knowledge and skills during these sessions. I would highly recommend this for any class! “

Be a Science Best Friend!

What's Involved

‘Science Buddies’ is an opportunity for local young people and Edinburgh BioQuarter scientists to develop a longer-term relationship, aiming to develop the young people’s science capital and support the school in delivering a first rate science education.

‘Science Buddies’ work with the school they are partnered with to develop a plan of activity that suits both the school and buddy. Over the year this could include:

  • STEM Clubs
  • Science Class Take-Overs
  • Science Week / Fair

Sessions typically last for one hour and you agree with your ‘buddies’ group and partner school when your sessions will be, and how many you would like to do. The programme can be very flexible to fit around your schedule.

” I truly enjoyed being a science buddy. Being able to share a love for science with a really engaged group of children was very rewarding. They were full of interesting questions that we wouldn’t always think to ask as they’re approaching it from their perspective without assumptions.

” I learned how to design and deliver science classes that truly interest children and stimulate their curiosity. “

Get Involved

Recruitment for volunteers is now open for the academic year 2024/25.

Please sign up by completing the form below by 5pm on Wednesday 2nd October, 2024.

There will be a training session from 9:30am to 4pm on Wednesday 9th October, 2024. Alternative arrangements can be made if you are unable to attend on this date.

” I learnt a lot about doing science with children: what interests them, how to design a class that will engage them throughout, and also learnt about lots of fun science experiments we can do with everyday items!

” It was also a fun activity to do alongside regular day-to-day lab work because it’s very different and the children were really excited each time. “

If you work or study on Edinburgh BioQuarter and would like to be contacted with opportunities to take part in Community Engagement Projects, please register interest.

Amazing artwork!

We asked young primary school students at Prestonfield Primary School to design job adverts for a scientist to be their buddy for a year. We are most impressed at the creativity they have demonstrated in some colourful and artistic artwork

View a selection of the sketches in full size in the link (PDF) below.

View Artwork


If you have any questions, please get in touch at
