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Scotland’s Health Research and Innovation Conference: Tuesday 31st October 2023, 10am – 4pm

Scotland's Health Research and Innovation Conference

10:00 am

Queen Elizabeth Teaching and Learning Centre, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus, 1345 Govan Road, Govan, Glasgow, G51 4TF

Scotland’s Health Research and Innovation Conference celebrates five decades of health research and innovation; and explore how we work together to transform future healthcare.

Hosted jointly by the Chief Scientist Office (CSO) of Scottish Government and NHS Research Scotland, it will bring together researchers, innovators, healthcare staff, policymakers, industry, and the public.

The conference theme – 50 years of advancing healthcare – reflects the 50th anniversary of the Chief Scientist Office.

It will provide an opportunity to reflect on all that has been collectively achieved during this time, whilst looking to the future and the opportunities to maximise our research and innovation capabilities to improve patient outcomes and grow our life science sector.

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